Saturday, 15 July 2017

Four Principles for Effective Christian Living

Christianity has gone through the persecution of ages. The people of God withstood all adversities to preserve the truth so that generations after generations truth will be uplifted. The blood of our forefathers testify that God is true and His words are true. Yet the divisions and fights in our churches today bring this question forefront “ If we are in Christ,Why are we so divided within ourselves ?” . The answers to this demanding question can be varied and reasons could be unlimited. Below are four principles that could be helpful in our present day crisis if we abide by....
Four Principles for Effective Christian Living :
1. There is no second class Christians in Christianity. We are all equal in the eyes of the Lord. Thus bringing divisions based on color, creed, nationality, skills or positions in the church is allowing devil to lead. When Jesus is the Head of the Church, Everyone is equal. 
2. Where there is disunity in the church, Resolve them with the Biblical Principle (fundamental truth). Don't defend yourself or others based on your personal preferences or personal philosophy or your own manipulation of the truth. 
 3. Don't judge anything or anyone without knowing the details of it. Saying anything without knowing the details will lead you to misjudge people and situations. This would cause trouble to other believers and would lead them to wrong direction. Overall Judge yourself first before judging anyone.
 4. No one is too perfect to err. Power corrupts and when people have authority to control the minds of others they often commit blunders if they are not truly tuned with God's word. Therefore never allow yourselves to dictate that you are supreme and know the best. Only God has that position and He shares it with none.
 To God be the Glory 
 References : Adult Bible Lesson Study "The Unity of the Gospel "- July 15,2017

By Litton Prosad Mowalie

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Current Trends in Teaching and Learning EFL/ESL

English being the International Language has gone through a lot of transition in terms of its application, usage and cultural contextualization.In spite of all of these, it still soars high and used widely all over the world.In recent years, the teaching and learning of ELF/ESL has gone through certain changes, specially how it should be taught and learned.....Below are the Recent Trends of Teaching and Learning of ELF/ESL as listed by The TESOL President,Deena Boraie.  

8 Current Trends in Teaching and Learning EFL/ESL  

Trend 1: Change in the Goal of Teaching English 

 In my opinion, there are two key changes in the purpose of teaching English. Firstly, as Penny Ur (2009) noted the goal is “to produce fully competent English-knowing bilinguals rather than imitation native speakers.” As I mentioned in a previous blog, the purpose is not to aspire to become native speakers of English, because we are already native speakers of our own L1, but to focus on English as a means of communication. Secondly, English is not viewed as an end in itself but as a means to learn content such as science and mathematics. Content and language integrate learning (CLIL) is an approach where the English teacher uses cross-curricular content and so the students learn both the content and English.  

Trend 2: Early Start in Teaching English 

 Many countries have started teaching English in earlier grades at school. For example, since 2011, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam have been introducing English from Grade 4. Also in 2011, Japan introduced English in the primary stage, and, in 2012, Dubai introduced English in the KG stage instead of Grade 1.  

Trend 3: Change in the Approach to Teaching Culture 

Both the local or native and international culture dominate in English language classes. There is less focus on teaching the culture of native speakers of English unless there is a specific purpose for doing so. Trend 4: Changing View of an English Teacher It is increasingly being recognized that the quality or effectiveness of teachers is determined by their linguistic, teaching, and intercultural competence rather than their being a native speaker of English.  

Trend 5: Change in Teaching Content and Test Design 

 Teachers use a range of local texts or English translations of literature in the classroom. The use of L1 as appropriate as well as the use of a variety of accents in listening activities or tests are encouraged in English language classrooms. 

 Trend 6: E-Learning 

 Because of the proliferation of tablets and smart phones, I believe that textbooks will disappear in a few years. Furthermore, the access to knowledge in terms of flexibility and mobility has changed drastically.  

Trend 7: Strategic Teaching and Learning 

Teaching in English language classes focuses on fostering student thinking as well as language content, outcomes, and learning activities. There are significant and complex student-teacher interactions inside and outside the classroom. The gamification of learning is emerging as a way to make language learning more engaging and relevant to the younger generation.

 Trend 8: Teachers as Life-Long Learners 

 In a knowledge-based society and to remain competitive and employable, teachers are expected to engage in continuous professional development or professional learning activities from the beginning to the end of their careers. As with any other profession, teachers are also expected to assume greater responsibility for their own professional learning, continually developing their knowledge and skills. 

 Reference :

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Four Steps to Overcoming Fear

Fear of what might happen later or even in the next moment is something that  very often cripple us and makes us feel as if nothing is possible. We not only become victim of our fears but it paralyses our soul and demoralizes our enthusiasm. Without overcoming this evil everyday, we would fail to accomplish our goals in life. Success then will be a far fetched idea to each of us. In order to avoid or overcome this humiliating aspect of life, we need to master our fears and not becomes its slaves...

Therefore here are some tips for you as to how we all can overcome our fear...

Four Steps to Overcoming Fear
‘The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid.’
Psalm 118:6 NIV (2011 Edition) 

 First, be willing to take a risk. Yes, you might be hurt or embarrassed - so what? To overcome insecurity and gain confidence you must allow yourself the freedom to take a chance. Start writing that book, take those music lessons, stand up and speak at the meeting! Feel the fear and do it anyway! ‘Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe’ (Proverbs 29:25 NIV 2011 Edition). 

Second, learn to laugh at yourself. Get over your obsessive need for approval and acceptance and learn to laugh at your mistakes. We’re all human; stop taking yourself so seriously! When you make a mistake, be the first to see the funny side, and you’ll find people more supportive than you think. 

Third, start thinking realistically. It’s time to drop the security blanket and realize it’s not all about you. You are not the centre of the universe, and your little faux pas don’t mean that much in the bigger scheme of things. Besides, mistakes are often better teachers than success.
 Fourth, reward yourself for little victories. When you complete a project, reward yourself. When you take advice or correction without retaliating, reward yourself. Often the people we lash out at, are those trying the hardest to help us. Get used to the idea that you’re valuable, talented, and skilled, and your worth in God’s eyes is inestimable. Stop scrutinizing yourself through distorted lenses and start seeing yourself with 20/20 vision. Once you can do that, your fears will be replaced by confidence in yourself and in your future. 

Reference : UCB Word for Today

Sunday, 11 September 2016

15 Famous Quotation of Honourable Indian President - APJ Abdul Kalam

প্রয়াত ভারতের রাষ্ট্রপতি এ পি জে আবদুল কালামের ১৫টি উক্তি আপনার ক্যারিয়ার পাল্টে দিতে পারে। সেগুলো হচ্ছে-

১) ‘স্বপ্ন সেটা নয় যেটা তুমি ঘুমিয়ে দেখো। স্বপ্ন
সেটা যেটা তোমায় ঘুমোতে দেয় না।’

২) ‘সূর্যের মতো দীপ্তিমান হতে হলে প্রথমে
তোমাকে সূর্যের মতোই পুড়তে হবে।’

৩) ‘যদি তুমি তোমার কাজকে স্যালুট কর, দেখো
তোমায় আর কাউকে স্যালুট করতে হবে না। কিন্তু
তুমি যদি তোমার কাজকে অসম্মান কর, অমর্যাদা
কর, ফাঁকি দাও, তাহলে তোমায় সবাইকে স্যালুট
করতে হবে।’

৪) ‘যারা হৃদয় দিয়ে কাজ করতে পারে না; তাদের
অর্জন অন্তঃসারশূন্য, উৎসাহহীন সাফল্য চারদিকে
তিক্ততার উদ্ভব ঘটায়।’

৫) ‘প্রতিদিন সকালে এই পাঁচটা লাইন বলো :
– আমি সেরা।
– আমি করতে পারি।
– সৃষ্টিকর্তা সব সময় আমার সঙ্গে আছে।
– আমি জয়ী।
– আজ দিনটা আমার। ’

৬) ‘ভিন্নভাবে চিন্তা করার ও উদ্ভাবনের সাহস
থাকতে হবে, অপরিচিত পথে চলার ও অসম্ভব জিনিস
আবিষ্কারের সাহস থাকতে হবে এবং সমস্যাকে জয়
করে সফল হতে হবে। এ সকল মহানগুণের দ্বারা
তরুণদের চালিত হতে হবে। তরুণ প্রজন্মের প্রতি এই
আমার বার্তা।’

৭) ‘জীবন একটি কঠিন খেলা। ব্যক্তি হিসেবে
মৌলিক অধিকার ধরে রাখার মাধ্যমেই শুধুমাত্র
তুমি সেখানে জয়ী হতে পারবে।’

৮) ‘আকাশের দিকে তাকাও। আমরা একা নই। পুরো
মহাবিশ্ব আমাদের প্রতি বন্ধুত্বসুলভ। যারা স্বপ্ন
দেখে এবং কাজ করে শুধুমাত্র তাদেরকেই শ্রেষ্ঠটা
দেওয়ার জন্য চক্রান্তে লিপ্ত এই বিশ্ব।’

৯) ‘উৎকর্ষতা একটি চলমান প্রক্রিয়া এবং এটি
কোনো আকস্মিক ঘটনা নয়।’

১০) ‘যদি একটি দেশকে দুর্নীতিমুক্ত এবং সুন্দর
মনের মানুষের জাতি হতে হয়, তাহলে আমি দৃঢ়ভাবে
বিশ্বাস করি এ ক্ষেত্রে তিনজন সামাজিক সদস্য
পার্থক্য এনে দিতে পারে। তারা হলেন বাবা, মা
এবং শিক্ষক।’

১১) ‘সমস্যাকে কখনো এড়িয়ে যেতে চাইবে না।
বরং সমস্যা এলে তার মুখোমুখি
দাঁড়াবে। মনে রাখবে, সমস্যাবিহীন সাফল্যে
কোনো আনন্দ নেই। সব সমস্যার সমাধান আcছ

১২) ‘জীবনের অভিজ্ঞতা দিয়ে মূলত চারটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
বিষয়ের প্রতি আমি আলোকপাত
করি। সেগুলো হলো: জীবনের লক্ষ্য নির্ধারণ,
জ্ঞান আহরণ, অনেক বড় সমস্যায়
পড়লেও লক্ষ্য থেকে সরে না আসা এবং কোনো
কাজে সাফল্য ও ব্যর্থতা দুটোকেই নেতৃত্বগুণে
সামাল দিতে পারা।’

১৩) ‘এখন থেকে সবকিছুতে দেশের কথা মাথায়
রাখবে। কোনো স্বপ্ন দেখলে নিজের
সঙ্গে দেশকে নিয়েও দেখবে, কোনো চিন্তা করলে
দেশকে নিয়ে করবে আর কোনো কাজে মগ্ন হলে
দেশের জন্য করবে।’

১৪) ‘সমস্যাকে কখনো আমার ওপর চেপে বসতে দেব
না। যত কঠিন সময়ই আসুক না কেন, কখনোই হাল
ছেড়ে দেব না।’

১৫) ‘হতাশ না হয়ে নিজেকে স্বপ্নপূরণের কতটা
কাছাকাছি নিয়ে যেতে পারছ, সেদিকে
নজর রাখবে। কখনোই সাহস হারাবে না। নিজের
একটি দিনও যাতে বৃথা মনে না হয়,
সে চেষ্টা করো।’....

Reference : Facebook Post

Monday, 5 September 2016

Dad, Treasure Your Children

The children God has graciously given your servant.’
Genesis 33:5 NIV (2011 Edition)

We live in a day when kids have never been given more of the things they want, and less of the things they need. What do they need? You! Not trinkets, treasures, and toys, but your love and your time. Read these unsettling words in a Newsweek column entitled, ‘Dear Dads, Save Your Sons’, by psychologist Christopher Bacorn. He tells about an anxious mother in her mid-thirties who came to his office with her fifteen-year-old son. The boy’s dad had left four years before. Since then the teenager had descended into alcohol, gang membership, and violence. The mother had nowhere else to turn, and it was obvious the boy was at best a hostile participant. After attempting for thirty minutes to crack the steel vault of this boy’s heart, Dr Bacorn realised the futility of it all. He wrote these poignant and sad words: ‘I’ve come to believe that most adolescent boys can’t make use of professional counseling … What a boy can use, and all too often doesn’t have, is the fellowship of men - at least one man who pays attention to him, who spends time with him, who admires him. A boy needs a man he can look up to. What he doesn’t need is a shrink … As a nation we’re racked by youth violence, overrun by gangs, guns, and drugs. The great majority of youthful offenders are male, most without fathers involved in their lives in any useful way.’ In Genesis we read that Jacob was a successful businessman, but he discovered that his greatest earthly treasure was ‘the children God has graciously given to your servant’. Dad, have you discovered that?

Reference : UCB Word for Today

Friday, 29 July 2016

Honesty on Three Levels

'Each of you must … speak truthfully to your neighbour.’

Telling the truth sounds simple, but it takes commitment on three levels:

 1) Verbally: When you’re found out in a lie, it undermines the confidence others have in you. For example, when a husband or wife denies blowing the family budget, or covers up a drinking problem, inevitably there’s trouble. But when each knows that the other ‘will hold to the truth in love’, the relationship becomes stronger and more likely to weather the storm (Ephesians 4:15 NLV).

2) Behaviorally: ‘Unless you are honest in small matters, you won’t be in large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities’ (Luke 16:10 TLB). Cheryl Richardson says, ‘Integrity is the key to living an authentic life.’ You become known as a person of integrity by keeping your word. So when you make a commitment, follow through – even when it costs you, and even when you get a better offer.

3) In actuality: Why is telling the truth such a big deal? Because every relationship in your life is based on trust.

When you don’t deal truthfully:

 a) You end up losing your influence and the respect of others.

b) You live in fear of being found out, which makes you insecure and forces you to live on two levels: public perception and private struggle.

c) You have to worry about what you’ve said, and to whom.
 d) You get to where you can’t trust or believe others because ‘as you live your life, you judge your neighbour’.

e) You make yourself feel better by rationalising, ‘Everybody lies.’ The trouble with that line of thinking is – you can’t trust them either!

Reference : UCB Word for Today