English being the International Language has gone through a lot of
transition in terms of its application, usage and cultural
contextualization.In spite of all of these, it still soars high and used
widely all over the world.In recent years, the teaching and learning of
ELF/ESL has gone through certain changes, specially how it should be
taught and learned.....Below are the Recent Trends of Teaching and
Learning of ELF/ESL as listed by The TESOL President,Deena Boraie.
8 Current Trends in Teaching and Learning EFL/ESL
Trend 1: Change in the Goal of Teaching English
In my opinion, there are two key changes in the purpose of teaching
English. Firstly, as Penny Ur (2009) noted the goal is “to produce fully
competent English-knowing bilinguals rather than imitation native
speakers.” As I mentioned in a previous blog, the purpose is not to
aspire to become native speakers of English, because we are already
native speakers of our own L1, but to focus on English as a means of
communication. Secondly, English is not viewed as an end in itself but
as a means to learn content such as science and mathematics. Content and
language integrate learning (CLIL) is an approach where the English
teacher uses cross-curricular content and so the students learn both the
content and English.
Trend 2: Early Start in Teaching English
Many countries have started teaching English in earlier grades at
school. For example, since 2011, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam have been
introducing English from Grade 4. Also in 2011, Japan introduced English
in the primary stage, and, in 2012, Dubai introduced English in the KG
stage instead of Grade 1.
Trend 3: Change in the Approach to Teaching Culture
Both the local or native and international culture dominate in
English language classes. There is less focus on teaching the culture of
native speakers of English unless there is a specific purpose for doing
Trend 4: Changing View of an English Teacher
It is increasingly being recognized that the quality or effectiveness of
teachers is determined by their linguistic, teaching, and intercultural
competence rather than their being a native speaker of English.
Trend 5: Change in Teaching Content and Test Design
Teachers use a range of local texts or English translations of
literature in the classroom. The use of L1 as appropriate as well as the
use of a variety of accents in listening activities or tests are
encouraged in English language classrooms.
Trend 6: E-Learning
Because of the proliferation of tablets and smart phones, I believe
that textbooks will disappear in a few years. Furthermore, the access to
knowledge in terms of flexibility and mobility has changed drastically.
Trend 7: Strategic Teaching and Learning
Teaching in English language classes focuses on fostering student
thinking as well as language content, outcomes, and learning activities.
There are significant and complex student-teacher interactions inside
and outside the classroom. The gamification of learning is emerging as a
way to make language learning more engaging and relevant to the younger
Trend 8: Teachers as Life-Long Learners
In a knowledge-based society and to remain competitive and
employable, teachers are expected to engage in continuous professional
development or professional learning activities from the beginning to
the end of their careers. As with any other profession, teachers are
also expected to assume greater responsibility for their own
professional learning, continually developing their knowledge and
Reference : http://blog.tesol.org/8-current-trends-in-teaching-and-learning-eflesl/
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